Wednesday, February 29, 2012

{Travel} Miss TikiBoo's New York

I am assuming that travelling to New York City minus children would be a vastly different holiday (and one I'd like to experience!). However, child we did have, so a lot of the trip catered for her.  No flashy fine dining or swanky wine bars, we stuck to (awesome, NY style) pizza and diners, although we did find a nice little Italian place around the corner from our hotel.
Miss TikiBoo loved it. Everything from the hotdogs to the subways, she embraced it.  She is a great little traveller and always keen to experience new things.
I had a chat to her to find out which parts were her favourite, and compiled them below in a series of iPhone photos.

So, these are some of her recommendations!


If you have stopped by, it would be lovely if you could leave a comment or just say hello so I know that you've been here. Thank you!


  1. Oh wow! These pictures bring back such wonderful memories! My daughter got her American Girl doll in New York too, when she was about that age! She is now 15 and it still has pride of place on her bed. I was thinking of planning a trip to London for our family but after seeing these pics I think I want to go back to NY!!

    Thanks for sharing your great holiday snaps. the yellow ones were gorgeous too!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha In Oz

  2. Yes, I loved New York and experienced it sans children, on my own actually and loved it. Felt like I really accomplished something, such the beast it is.

    Having kids would bring a sense of fun to it too though;)

  3. Natasha - this doll we actually got before we went...but we did buy another over there, and just a few outfits. Lovely to hear that your daughter still has hers. Ours get played with all the time.
    Karla - I'm not so sure I'd want to go there by myself...although having the time to shop alone would be great!

  4. I <3 NY and would love to revisit with my little one in tow. Thanks for the top tips Miss TikiBoo!

  5. As you know we are heading off ourselves this year with kids in tow. Master 7 has a question for your gorgeous girl though, he wants to know "if she got bored on the plane and what tv shows she got to watch" :)

  6. My husband & I were just saying we wished we were rich so we could steal away to NY for the weekend...maybe with our tax refund ;) But this makes me want to go even more & MAYBE bring our daughter....but the three boys...I'm leaving them with Grandma for sure :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment, you just made me smile!

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