Yes, that short break turned into a long one! I've had issues with my old PC, which is where my photoshop lives, so being able to play with my photos has become tedious rather than fun.
I've managed to compile a few, and present to you "New York in Yellow". Fall leaves, taxi cabs, school buses and traffic lights, yellow is all over New York.
I promise to get around to sharing some more about the trip - if you have anything you'd like me to cover, please let me know!
If you have stopped by, it would be lovely if you could leave a comment or just say hello so I know that you've been here. Thank you!
I've managed to compile a few, and present to you "New York in Yellow". Fall leaves, taxi cabs, school buses and traffic lights, yellow is all over New York.
I promise to get around to sharing some more about the trip - if you have anything you'd like me to cover, please let me know!
If you have stopped by, it would be lovely if you could leave a comment or just say hello so I know that you've been here. Thank you!
Hello again! Thought you must have pulled that girl out of school and moved to NY to live! Great photos and nice to have you back. melx
ReplyDeleteIsn't it just the most amazing place?! Keep the photos coming, I absolutely love NYC :)
ReplyDeleteAbbey x
Yes, LOVE yellow!! xo