Wednesday, November 16, 2011

{Home on Wednesday} - Spring is for planting

A fun little weekend activity with my girl.  She has the attention span of a... nearly six year old, so it's good to find things which don't take long and have a few different steps.

Step 1. Add seed raising mix to trays.
Step 2. Place one seed in each section.
Step 3. Cover with 5mm seed raising mix.
Step 4. Water regularly.

I wanted to grow something under the plants along our back fenceline.  Nasturtiums are a great choice as they grow quickly and are quite hardy, PLUS the flowers can be added to salads for a pop of summer colour.  They have a slightly peppery taste which I really enjoy.

image from Sheridan Rodgers (links to recipe!)

I planted some of them out yesterday evening, so hopefully they will do their thing and grow like wildfire!

If you have stopped by, it would be lovely if you could leave a comment or just say hello so I know that you've been here. Thank you!


  1. Hi Kathryn

    I love the Nasturtium flowers - we used to eat these in a salad as a child in the country.
    They grew everywhere and we utilised them.

    I can't believe your post today - Yesterday, I was in a "lets say rustic" carpark and I saw some Nasturtium flowers and they bought a smile to my face and memories and here you are today - go figure! :)

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, from hereiamloulou blog


  2. Oh, I've always wanted to try edible flowers but I've been afraid. I don't know why, though. They really do dress up a salad. Good luck with your gardening!

  3. Oh! she is such a cutie and what a look of concentration :) You have inspired me to get the girls out planting this weekend.

    Kel x

  4. Teaching the little ones about gardening is such a great way to get them outdoors doing healthy stuff. And those bright flowers certainly give the salad a special something, don't they!

  5. She is gorgeous your girl andlovely to see she enjoys your love of gardening. I love nasturtiums too. melx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, you just made me smile!

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